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I just wanted to say that the experience I had with you ... was something I
will never forget and which I keep thinking of over and over again.
I think of it as a place of magic. ... as
I try to follow my inner goal in life I always keep reminding myself that once
I gain financial independence I will find a way to come back to India and join a
retreat once again somewhere...
my hand gently held as I find my way home...
~Bodhi-ji, USA
For me an Opendharma retreat is a "sacred place"
and I am feeling gratitude for the offering of the teachers and in this
space to sit in the middle of the fire where the pain, the suffering, is
healing, and the joy opens the heart.
To feel love—to feel held and to love.
To sit in the middle of the forest and to feel the mysterious energy of life
through everything, through everyone and through me.
With my love,
~Anandi-ji, Israel
It has helped me to see that I can be so much more.
supportive presence with safety, wisdom, and compassion
~Steve-ji Bradley-Bull, USA
the beautiful dharma talks and your absolute commitment to the
~Shulamit-ji, Israel
love is the fruit of the tree of wisdom
wisdom is the fruit of the tree of love
Jaya and Gemma are two beautiful gems who share their glow
with everyone they touch, without judgment.
~Rod-ji, Australia
If I'm busy ..., I just have to remember this [retreat]
experience to come down and get the mood for meditation.
It opens my heart still now and gave me a glimpse of
jealousless love.
I love your retreats, your soft and relaxing approach to Vipassana, your
personal kindness to each and all, your openness, intelligence, your different
and independent way ... I always feel very privileged to participate in your
retreats as a precious gift. These are moments to touch sometimes deep aspects
of the being and all your qualities create an atmosphere of confidence,
trust and love--comforting and inspiring for such investigation.
~Carine-ji, France
I came to [a] silent retreat, about two years ago ... by accident with no
awareness of what to expect. I had energy work from Gemma and cried for several
hours. It was the beginning of becoming myself.
I did my first and possibly only truly focused meditation, forgiving myself and
others, etc,. and could feel my heart opening. I hadn't really felt any
true emotion for years and felt after this retreat like I imagine children feel,
really clear. It allowed me to see my beauty and allow people to love me
properly. I am now in love with a wonderful, calm, and beautiful man.
I could not have let him love me before the retreat. I was afraid of
myself. I have changed irrevocably. Thank you.
~Nicola-ji, UK
I have continued strong in the dharma, sitting whenever I can find the time,
and my life is so much more easeful, guided and profound
because of the teachings.
Jayaji was one of my first teachers in the Dharma in 2000. Her peace,
spaciousness and sincere compassion helped me start to understand the depth
of the practice of mindfulness and the teachings of the Buddha. I have
deep respect for her being, her teaching, and the profound effect she has had
in fostering a stable [Dharma] community in India. Jayaji is an inspiration
to all who meet and sit with her.
~Dana-ji, USA
I remember staring at the laundry hanging on the washingline during the
retreat in Tiruvannamalai. It occured to me that I just felt as relaxed as the
trousers hanging there. Fresh, in full surrender to the wind and sun and
totally relaxed!
~Nanda-ji, Holland
I was at the Sarnath retreat 2 years ago for 10 days and had the most
wonderful learning experience. I was touched by Jaya's immense
kindness. She is a very attentive listener and her words of
wisdom were just what I needed. She is a beautiful person (inside and out)
and I wish her all the very best. The Dharma gatherings would not be the
same without her amazing presence.
~Rukhsana, UK
Too many unforgettable moments to name...
I hope I find myself again as soon as possible with you.
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